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The Frequency Polygon

A frequency polygon is a graphical representation used in statistics to visualize the distribution of data. It is particularly useful for displaying the frequency distribution of a continuous variable, where data points are grouped into intervals or bins. Here’s a short note on the frequency polygon:

Creating a Frequency Polygon:

  1. Data Collection: Collect data on the variable of interest, such as test scores, reaction times, or survey responses.
  2. Data Binning: Divide the range of the data into intervals or bins. The number and width of bins can vary depending on the data and the desired level of detail.
  3. Frequency Count: Count the number of data points that fall into each bin.
  4. Midpoint Calculation: Calculate the midpoint of each bin. The midpoint represents the center of each interval and is used for plotting.
  5. Plotting: On a graph, place the midpoints on the x-axis and the corresponding frequencies (counts) on the y-axis. Connect these points with straight line segments.

Interpreting a Frequency Polygon:

  • Shape: The shape of the frequency polygon provides insights into the distribution of the data. It can reveal whether the data follows a normal distribution, is skewed, or exhibits other patterns.
  • Central Tendency: The central tendency of the data can be observed by looking at where the frequency polygon reaches its highest point (peak). This represents the mode of the distribution.
  • Dispersion: The spread or variability of the data is reflected in the width of the frequency polygon. A wider distribution suggests greater variability, while a narrower distribution indicates less variability.
  • Outliers: Outliers (extreme values) can be identified if they cause a noticeable deviation from the overall pattern of the frequency polygon.

Here’s a simple example of a frequency polygon:



Frequency Polygon Graph
Frequency Polygon Graph

In this Frequency Polygon graph – 

On the X-axis, you can represent the years (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022), and on the Y-axis, you can represent the percentage values. Each city tier (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) can have a different color for clarity in your Frequency Polygon graph.


Frequency polygons are valuable tools for summarizing and visualizing data distributions, allowing researchers and analysts to quickly grasp the key features of a dataset and make initial observations about the underlying patterns and characteristics of the data.

Roshan Kumar - Founder
Roshan Kumar

I've dedicated my journey to unraveling the fascinating world of the human mind.

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