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Reaction potential

A concept that indicates degree of strength of a habit or association between stimulus and response.  

Reaction time

Time elapsing between presentation of stimulus and the reaction make by organism towards it. .   

Reality Principle

A principle in which ego operates in such a way that the external consequences of behaviour are considered important in regulating the expression of id impulses.

Reciproal determinism

 The doctrine that the internal determinants of behaviour, the external determinant of behaviour and behaviour itself all influence one another in a complex and reciprocal fashion.     


In classical conditioning the recovery of a conditioned response to the pairing conditioned-unconditioned stimulus following extinction.


An involuntary and stereotyped response of organs of the body towards the stimulus.  

Reflex arc 

A simplest functional unit of the nervous system consisting of a reception, synapse and an effector.

Representative Design

A concept emphasized by Brunswik and is basically an experimental approach which allows several variables to change together in a randon but known fashion and that way better represents the effects of existing combination of variables.


A defense mechanism in which unpleasant thoughts or feelings from consciousness are removed to unconscious.  


Refers to a sort of introspection of a past event.      

Retinal disparity

A binocular visual depth cue that results from the slight difference between the two retinal images.