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 A learnt response to a stimulus or situation.  

Habit family hierarchy

 A hierarchy in which total set of responses occurring in a given stimulus situation are arranged according to their strength.

Habit strength

 An intervening variable in Hull’s theory that states that learning is a function of number of reinforcements given after the occurrence of the response.

Heirarchy of needs

 A concept in Maslow’s theory that states that human needs exist in a certain hierarchy so that higher-level needs are not satisfied till the lower level needs are satisfied.  


Biologically inherited act eristics of the organism.

Hodological space

 A concept in Lewin’s theory which emphasizes upon vectors to represent dynamic psychological factors.


A state of physiological balance within the body of the organism.


 An altered state of consciousness in which individuals appear to be highly susceptible to the suggestions given by others and in which they sometimes behave as if in a state of trance.

Hypothelico-deductive method

 A method which starts with a few general postulates from which testable theorems and carollaries are derived by rigorous deductions and subsequently, the derivations are tested empirically.


A tentative answer to a research question.

Hypothetical construct

 A construct whose meaning really goes beyond the relationship between stimulus and response.