The selection of what seems to be best from various system or theories.
The selection of what seems to be best from various system or theories.
In Freudian system that part of the personality which is concerned with reality and which thinks, feels and decides.
Unconscious process adopted by ego to protest itself from various kinds of anxiety and threatening situation.
Refers to facts and sensory experience
A school which emphasizes that all knowledge originates in experience; Also a methodology that emphasizes data and gives little emphasis on theoretical inference.
A totality of stimuli or events that impinges the organism.
The principle which dictates that environmental factors are the major determinants of behaviour.
A concept enunciated by Tolman to indicate a state of an organism due to which it behaves towards the subgoals as if thing were goals.
Zones or region of the body which are especially sensitive to manipulation. Ethology: A branch of zoology which studies animal behaviour through observation in actual field situation.
A school of personality theories who lay emphasis upon individuals self-understanding. Also the name applies to the structuralism an important school of psychology founded by Titchener because it treated elements of consciousness as existent
In Tolman’s theory anticipation of a particular relationship between stimulus and response.
Perceptions that are not based upon input from our sensory receptors. Telepathy and Clairvoyance are included under this