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Absolute threshold

The smallest amount of a stimulus that can be detected 50 percent of the time.


In Piaget’s theory of cognitive development modification of existing mental framework for explaining any new information.

Act Psychology

A system of psychology developed by Brentano and emphasizes upon mental processes rather than contents of consciousness.


In Piaget’s theory of cognitive development building mental representation of the situation by making interaction with it.

Adaptive behaviour

A unit of behaviour emphasized by Harvey Carr which involves three phases (1) a stimulus (ii) a sensory situation and (iii) a response that alters the situation to satisfy the motivating conditions.


The lingering sensation commonly reported in visual stimulation after removal of stimulation.

Anal stage

A period in Freud’s theory of psychosexual development that mainly emphasizes upon interest or pleasure in anal region.

Analytic Psychology

Carl Jung’s system of psychoanalysis, a system which came into being after formal separation of Jung from Freud.

Anecdotal method

A method that depends upon the use of casually observed events as scientific data.


According to Jung, the archetype representing feminine side of male.


An animal is a living organism that feeds on organic matter, has specialised sense organs and a nervous system, and can respond quickly to stimuli.


In Jung’s theory the archetype representing the masculine side of females.


A clear and vivid perception of things, events or situation. Approach-approach conflict: In Lewin’s theory a conflict that occurs when the person tries to reach two goals, only one of which can be obtained at a time.

Approach-avoidance conflict

In Lewin’s theory a conflict that occurs when the same goal has both positive and negative valance for the person.


According to Jung inherited images in collective unconscious that determine our perception of the environment.

Artificial intelligence

Capacity of the computers to demonstrate performance that could be described as intelligence if produced by human beings.


In Piaget’s theory a tendency of the person to understand new information in terms of existing mental works.


A system in psychology which emphasizes that mental complexity can be produced through learned connections between simple sensations and ideas.