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Factor Analysis

A statistical technique based on correlation and which is used to extract the underlying factor or factors, that account for the observed relationship between scores.

field expectation

In Tolman’s theory a kind of expectation on the part of  the organism that a particular response to a particular stimulus or cue will lead to a particular  consequences.

Field Theory

 A theory that apply to fields of force as an explanation of psychological events.

Field-cognition modes

 In Tolman’s theory a combination of thinking, perceiving and remembering of the organism that helps in knowing specific characteristic of the environment.

Figure-ground relationship

 Person’s tendency to divide the perceptual world into two distinct types-clear and distinction part usually called figure and relatively vauge and indistinct part usually called background against which figure stands out.  


In psychoanalytic theory persistence of immature behavior  or thinking accompanied by a lack of normal development.

Fixed-Interval Schedule

 A schedule of reinforcement in which a fixed interval of time must elapse before a response is reinforced.  

Fixed-ratio schedule

A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement is given only after a fixed number of reinforcements have occurred.

Free association

 An important procedure in psychoanalysis in which individuals spontaneously report all thoughts, even trivial ones, to the therapist.

Fully functioning persons

 In Roger’s theory a psychologically healthy person who enjoy life to the utmost in realistic way.

Functional autonomy

A concept enunciated by Allport in which the person maintains a behaviour by motives other than the ones originally responsible for the occurrence of that behaviour.


 A school of psychology that emphasizes upon the function or utility of behaviour in making adaptation to the environment.